During the Christmas season of 2007 a very special teen’s
bone marrow transplant took place. A few months later, her doctor called to
report the transplant was unsuccessful. Today, I get to report the healing intended
to take place with the bone marrow transplant didn’t happen, but another
healing did. The bone marrow transplant didn’t prove to be successful, but what
were was the eye, ear, brain and heart transplants that ensued because of it.
I’m not talking about a donation of Jonnae’s organs. The chemo and radiation
she’d undergone to beat “Leuk” made it impossible for to offer organs. I’m
talking about transplants that happened within me. Because of my daughter’s 3
year battle with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, I have new eyes through which I
see; new ears through which I hear; a new way of thinking with a ‘transplanted’
mind and a new heart through which I love. All combine to create an enhanced
life experience beyond human understanding. I’m forever grateful for the gifts
I continue to experience, courtesy of a life so beautifully lived by a daughter
so beautifully healed.
Once her leukemia diagnosis came, Jonnae’s body never really
healed, but her spirit sure did. Our spirits are way more valuable than our
bodies. The body has an end, the spirit lives on. (Some may feel the need to
argue this point. If this is you, please finish reading first!)
Most only know of the valiant spirit Jonnae had during her
battle with Leuk. Few know of the victim she was in the 6th grade
when leukemia first took up residence in her broken body. I haven’t given voice
to the bullying that was happening to her in that transitional year from 5th
grade to middle school. Girls can be so caddy. We all know this! For years, I
did not want to feed the guilt and shame I knew must be eating at the girls
responsible for the nastiness that sent my daughter home from school crying
every day. At the time, it didn’t matter if the world knew about it, the girls
did. I believe Jonnae’s broken spirit is what led to the ‘broken body’ where Leuk
chose to reside. (This could be a topic of an entirely different blog but
because this is MY belief, I refused to break down the spirit of the girls and contribute
to their suffering. There will be a time and place to share those stories and
shine a different light on bullying later.)
The reason I am writing this particular blog is to celebrate
the gifts I’ve received in the continuing classroom of life this year (6 years
after that Christmas of life changing transplants). I do not want a single Christmas
season to pass, where I don’t sit still long enough to reflect on the life I
get to live, and lessons learned. Because of the stillness and sometimes
surprising sweetness of that Christmas hospital stay where Jonnae and I were
cut off from the world, both of our spirits were healed. As a matter of fact, I
try to explain my craving (of course not wanting it delivered or wrapped in the
same way) for a Christmas season of separateness from a world that mostly does
not see, hear, think or love from the same place I do, particularly this time
of year.
This is not an egotistical perspective. I’m not out to prove
myself right or convert others to my beliefs. (Because it’s so common when one
shares from the heart publicly, and I just experienced this very thing earlier
in the week with a Facebook post, please do not interpret this blog as an
invitation where you are welcome to come in and attempt to do that with me.) Humility
is a gift I’m most grateful to get to experience. I still have much to learn
and improve on and not only am I fully aware of that, I’m eager to get on with
it. My transplanted eyes, ears, mind and heart did not come from a human being
or teacher, they came from the Ultimate Creator and I choose to let the
refinement of me continue the same way. No substitute teacher need try to edge God
out and teach me their beliefs their way. As I mentioned in the piece I wrote
earlier this week, whether the test here or the grade ‘there’, I’m not afraid
of failure or making the Teacher’s grade. The One to whom I’m most accountable,
loves and understands me and will judge me accordingly. My Teacher is loving,
compassionate, forgiving and patient and knows my heart the way no human being
can. I’m at peace with that! It may be challenged, but it wins and remains.
So draining, detrimental and depressing to witness the
desperate need of so many to prove they are right and have a need to defend
themselves in their stance. Pre-leukemia I was of that camp. Judging, righteous
and fueled with the belief I was right and had to convert people to the
‘enlightened’ side. If you choose to be there, I’m not judging you for it. It’s
your life! We each GET to choose where we camp out to experience it. We each
get to move freely when we want to camp somewhere different. My choice is to
share life, love and compassion with ALL, regardless who they are with and
where they camp. I choose not to fight
about how we are different, but rather to focus on how we are the same. We are
here at the same time, sharing the same life and sharing the same struggles and
suffering. Even if they come from the different places, they are the same in
how we feel them. What I choose as my role while here (actually I believe I’ve
been called to it) is to increase healing and happiness in the same surprising
way I’ve experienced it. Instead of remaining on the side of struggle and
suffering caused from focus on whose with who, I chose to focus on Who I’m with.
I left who I was following and learning from, and choose the One calling me to
follow and listen.
God has held me over in the classrooms of Perspective,
Peace, Love, Compassion and Forgiveness. I’m glad I no longer am in the
classroom of Fighting to be Right, Fighting to Convert and Fighting to Hold
Others Accountable (especially when its enough to deal with my own accountability
and remember Who I’m accountable to.) In listening, I’m being told not to Fight
to be Right (if you are, go for it, just don’t use your energy to pick a fight
with me. I no longer participate in expending my energy that way.) I used to
hear the bell ring and you better believe I went to swinging. I’m no longer
interested in stepping in the ring to fuel the fight and struggle.
I’m being called to humility. We don’t know what we don’t
know. (and even what we think we KNOW, we most certainly can be wrong) I’m okay
with asking questions and either having multiple answers or no answer. Every day, I seek to learn where I have more
to learn. And as a review of 2013 will reveal, even when I’m not seeking it,
Life will give me a lesson. The teaching has not come from the world, but from
the One who created the world and who sat with me when I was cut off from the
world during Christmas of 2007. In the midst of unimaginable struggle and
suffering, I was given the gift of a miraculous peace.
God has never left me! When I struggle now, my peace immediately
returns when my Accountability Partner, Judge, Teacher, and One who loves me
above ALL whispers in the stillness to me… “You are enough. You are
appreciated. You are supported, and you
are valued as a ‘player on My team!’ I’ll continue to learn and will continue
to contribute to healing and happiness as lessons are presented to me to use in
my active examples of using them. Don’t think for one second I’m not through
out the day, every day, checking in to reconfirm over and over all of the
above! That I love; that I’m
compassionate; that I’m forgiving; that I’m not judging; that I’m increasing
healing and happiness and that I’m open to growth and being more of each, every
day in every way.
So, with the heart and mind of an eager child, on this eve
of my 46th birthday and Christmas, I’ll go to bed with visions
dancing in my head and a hard time going to sleep, wondering if a miracle
awaits me on Christmas. My dreams are wildly imaginative, if one doesn’t come true tomorrow, the
resounding reminder to BELIEVE has definitely taken root more these last few
months than ever….and so I do!!!!